
Find Your Happy Place. with Zumper.

There's Zillow porn, and also rental porn. In the rental marketplace, we all think it is so cool to look at that FOMO apartment, the one with the view of the Central Park, the one with the bathroom the size of a basketball court, the one with the extra basement with the nightclub.

Advertising creates the desire for these items, sometime so out of your reach that just makes you so restless and unsatisfied with our options.

But, do we need that extra bathroom, or the view of the Golden Gate Bridge so we can do an Instagram story every time the sunrise comes, only to head out and doesn't come back until mid night?

At Zumper, we think it's just better to be happy, content, and safe in your own home. It's not about the glamorous bedazzled kitchen sink, but life's little moments of comfort. Whether it is sleeping in for an extra 10 minute knowing you still make it, or walking home thinking about dinner you will pick up next door, Happiness is simple, and it is within your reach.

With Zumper. Let's find your Happy place.

The success of the project leads to a request to launch a new series of ads.
We decided to evolve the campaign and take a different approach, now with real life customer testimonial and how they found their happy on Zumper.