
Zumper Brand 1.0

Zumper is a brand built by product and engineering teams. Prior to the arrival of the creative team, the brand identity was based entirely out of a three-page google slide, one with the logo, one with Arial font, and one with the colors of the logo.

In Q1 2021, we set out to evolve the Zumper branding into a household name. The first set of the challenge is to identify our core target customers, then build a brand that connects with them from an emotional level, not just as one-in-a-dozen functional rental app in their phone.

By Q3 2021, we successfully launched a revised logo, a brand new color palette that reflect the brand personality, typography system, illustration style guide and library, tone and voice guideline, as well as a newly defined photography direction.

We can say that Zumper brand now just got a new fresh start.

Live Zumper Brand Portal on Brandpad.io